Conversión y Almacenamiento de Energía


  Se estudia el almacenamiento de hidrógeno en aleaciones metálicas formadoras de hidruros, para ser utilizado como vector energético en nuevas tecnologías no contaminantes. Se diseñarán y caracterizarán aleaciones novedosas, capaces de almacenar grandes cantidades de hidrógeno en fase gaseosa, y posibles de ser empleadas en la preparación de electrodos negativos para baterías alcalinas recargables. Se estudian los aspectos básicos relacionados con el proceso de intercalación de hidrógeno. Se elaboran modelos fisicoquímicos para caracterizar el comportamiento de los electrodos durante los procesos carga-descarga.
Ciclado de electrodos y baterías de litio de alta capacidad de carga. Optimización de técnicas de obtención de electrodos. Elaboración de un modelo fisicoquímico que permita explicar el comportamiento electroquímico de electrodos con materiales de inserción para electrodos de níquel y litio. Diseño, construcción y evaluación del comportamiento en operación de una celda prototipo de níquel/hidruro.


Dr. A. Visintin


Dra. M. Elisa Martins , Dra. E. Beatríz Castro
Ing. Silvia Real, Dr. Felipe Rodriguez Nieto
Jorge Thomas, Daniela Becker
Pablo S. Fernández, Mariela Ortiz
Rita Humana

Principales publicaciones del grupo referidas al proyecto
(2007 - 2011)

* “Dynamic monitoring of structural changes in nickel hydroxide electrodes during discharge in batteries.”
M. Ortiz, D. Becker, G. Garaventta, A. Visintin, E.B. Castro y S.G. Real
Electrochimica Acta56 (23), 7946-7954 (2011).

* “Electrochemical behavior and capacitance properties of carbon xerogel/multiwalled carbon nanotubes composites.”
P.S. Fernández, E.B. Castro, S.G. Real, A. Visintin, A. Arenillas, E.G. Calvo, E.J. Juárez-Pérez, A.J. Menéndez y M.E. Martins
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry15, 1-10 (2011).

* “A study on ZrCrNiPtx alloys as negative electrode components for NiMH batteries.”
F.C. Ruiz, H.A. Peretti, A. Visintin y W.E. Triaca
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy36 (1), 901-906 (2011).

* “Dynamics and morphology characteristics of cell colonies with radially spreading growth fronts.”
M.A.C. Huergo, M.A. Pasquale, P.H. González, A.E. Bolzán y A.J. Arvia
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics84 (2), art. no. 021917 (2011).

* “Hydrogen discharge simulation and testing of a metal-hydride container.”
M. Melnichuk, N. Silin, G. Andreasen, H.L. Corso, A. Visintin y H.A. Peretti
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy35 (11), 5855-5859 (2010).

* “Carbon nanotubes as catalyst supports for ethanol oxidation .”
J.E. Thomas, A.R. Bonesi, M.S. Moreno, A. Visintin, A.M. Castro Luna y W.E. Triaca
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 35 (21), 11681-11686 (2010).

* “Hydrogen storage in AB2 Laves phase (A = Zr, Ti; B = Ni, Mn, Cr, V): Binding energy and electronic structure .”
S.B. Gesari, M.E. Pronsato, A. Visintin y A. Juan
Journal of Physical Chemistry C114 (39), 16832-16836 (2010).

* “Ni-doped carbons as a carbon support for metal hydride electrodes.”
J.E. Thomas, R.M. Humana, L. Zubizarreta, A. Arenillas, J.A. Menéndez, H.L. Corso y A. Visintin
Energy and Fuels24 (6), 3302-3306 (2010).

* “Temperature control of a PEM fuel cell test bench for experimental MEA assessment.”
J.J. Moré, P.F. Puleston, C. Kunusch y A. Visintin
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy35 (11), 5985-5990 (2010).

* “Single walled carbon nanotubes as supports for metal hydride electrodes.”
P.S. Fernández, A.N. Filippín, S.G. Real, E.B. Castro, A. Visintin y M.E. Martins
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy35 (11), 5864-5868 (2010).

* “Study of the different ZrxNiy phases of Zr-based AB2 materials.”
F.C. Ruiz, E.B. Castro, H.A. Peretti y A. Visintin
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy35 (18), 9879-9887 (2010).

* “Study of a photostable thin films of TiO2 on titanium.”
M.M. Pedemonte, A. Visintin y A.L. Capparelli
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy35 (11), 6069-6073 (2010).

* “An EIS based study of a Ni-MH battery prototype. Modeling and identification analysis.”
E.B. Castro, D.J. Cuscueta, R.H. Milocco, A.A. Ghilarducci y H.R. Salva
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy35 (11), 5991-5998 (2010).

* “Influence of the compaction pressure on the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy response of the AB5-type electrodes.”
J.E. Thomas, E.B. Castro y A. Visintin
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy35 (11), 5981-5984 (2010).

* “Surface metal modifiers for methanol electrooxidation on platinum, molybdenum and tungsten.”
S. Martínez, M.E. Martins y C.F. Zinola
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy35 (11), 5343-5355 (2010).

* “Electrochemical hydrogen storage in ZrCrNiPdx alloys.”
F.C. Ruiz, H.A. Peretti y A. Visintin
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy35 (11), 5963-5967 (2010).

* “The negative electrode development for a Ni-MH battery prototype.”
D.J. Cuscueta, A.A.Ghilarducci, H.R.Salva, R.H.Milocco y E.B.Castro
PhysicaB:Condensed Matter404 (18), 2848-2850 (2009).

* “State of charge estimation in Ni-MH rechargeable batteries.”
R.H. Milocco y E.B. Castro
Journal of Power Sources194, 558-567 (2009).

* “Electrochemical behaviour of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes - Hydrogen Storage and Hydrogen Evolution Reaction.”
P.S. Fernández, E.B. Castro, S.G. Real y M.E. Martins
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy34 (19), 8115-8126 (2009).

* “New experimental evidence on the formation of platinum superactive sites in an electrochemical environment .”
V. Díaz, S. Real, E. Téliz, C. F. Zinola y M. E. Martins
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy34 (8), 3519-3530 (2009).

* “Effect of Carbon Support on the Kinetic Behaviour of a Metal Hydride Electrode.”
E. Thomas, G. Andreasen, A. Arenillas, L. Zubizarreta, P. Barath, M. Sedlaríková, J. Vondrak y A. Visintin
Electrochimica Acta54, 2010-2017 (2009).

* “The Electrochemical Dissolution of Cobalt In Carbonate/Bicarbonate Solutions From EIS and Steady Polarization Data.”
S.G. Real, S.B. Ribotta y A.J. Arvia
Corrosion Science50, 463-472 (2008).

* “Study and Characterization Of A Metal Hydride Container.”
M. Melnichuk G. Andreasen, H.L. Corso, A. Visintin y H.A. Peretti
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy33, 3571-3575 (2008).

* “The Discharge Process of Nickel Hydroxide Electrodes Used In Batteries: A Dynamic Analysis Study by EIE.”
S.G. Real, M. Ortiz, E.B. Castro y A. Visintin
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy33, 3493-3495 (2008).

* “Behavior Prediction of Metal Hydride Electrodes in Operation Used in Alkaline Batteries.”
J.E. Thomas, B.E. Castro, S. Real y A. Visintin
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy33, 3475-3479 (2008).

* “Advances in the development of a hydrogen/oxygen PEM fuel cell stack.”
C. Tori, M. Baleztena, C. Peralta, R. Calzada, E. Jorge, D. Barsellini, G. Garaventta, A. Visintin y W.E. Triaca
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy33, 3588-3591 (2008).

* “Electrochemical characterization of AB2 Alloys Used for Negative Electrodes in Ni/MH Batteries.”
F.C. Ruiz, E.B. Castro, S.G. Real, H.A. Peretti, A. Visintin y W.E. Triaca
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy33, 3576-3580 (2008).

* “Corrosion Crack Enhancement During the Cathodic Activation of Zirconium AB2 Alloys.”
J.O. Zerbino, A. Visintin y W.E. Triaca
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry12 (5), 545-551 (2008).

* “State estimation in volmer-heyrovsky reactions coupled with sorption processes-application to the hydrogen reaction.”
E.B. Castro y R.H. Milocco
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry604, 1-8 (2007).

* “Effect of thermal treatment on the electrochemical hydrogen absorption of ZrCrNi alloy.”
F.C. Ruiz, H.A. Peretti, A. Visintin, S.G. Real, E.B. Castro, H.L. Corso y W.E. Triaca
Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems10, 249-254 (2007).

* “Effect of additional catalytic phases imposed by sintering on the hydrogen absorption behavior of AB2-type Zr-based alloys.”
A. Visintin, H.A. Peretti, F. Ruiz, H.L. Corso y W.E. Triaca
Journal of Alloys and Compounds428, 244-251 (2007).