Cinética y Fotoquímica


  Síntesis y caracterización de nanopartículas de sílice y magnetita con diferentes grupos orgánicos con diversos fines:

a) generación de radicales orgánicos inmovilizados sobre las partículas,

b) preparación de materiales con potencial aplicación como filtros solares,

c) para la extracción de metales en solución.

  Desarrollo de métodos fotoquímicos de reducción de Hg(II) de aguas.

  Caracterización de sustancias húmicas y estudio de las especies reactivas generadas por métodos resueltos en el tiempo.

   Estudio de la reactividad de radicales oxidantes con flavonoides. Descomposición térmica del anión peroxodisulfato para la degradación de herbicidas.

  Desarrollo de sondas moleculares para el monitoreo de los efectos de los distintos entornos moleculares sobre el oxígeno singlete.

  Desarrollo de puntos cuánticos del silicio funcionalizados como foto y radiosensibilizadores en terapias contra el cáncer.

  Degradación de contaminantes en suelos, aguas subterráneas y aguas residuales mediante técnicas de oxidación avanzada (AOP) y oxidación química in-situ (ISCO).

  Degradación de contaminantes mediante especies reactivas presentes en aguas naturales.

  Caracterización y aplicaciones ambientales de sustancias bio-orgánicas obtenidas de residuos domiciliarios.


Dres. Daniel O. Mártire  y Mónica C. González


Janina Rosso, Paula Caregnato
Laura S. Villata, María Laura Dell' Arciprete
Fernando S. García Einschlag, Andrea Berkovik
Valeria Arce, Marcela Martin
Luciano Carlos, Gabriela N. Bosio
Danila Ruiz, Cristian Lillo
Verónica Mora, Donaldo Fabio Mercado Castro
Daniela Nichela, Manuel Llansola Portolés

Principales publicaciones del grupo referidas al proyecto
(2007 - 2011)

* “The role of humic acid aggregation on the kinetics of photosensitized singlet oxygen production and decay.”
L. Carlos, B.W. Pedersen, P.R. Ogilby y D.O. Mártire
Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences10 (6), 1080-1086 (2011).

* “Phenol depletion by thermally activated peroxydisulfate at 70 °C.”
V.C. Mora, J.A. Rosso, D.O. Mártire y M.C. Gonzalez
Chemosphere84 (9), 1270-1275 (2011).

* “Reaction kinetics and mechanisms of neonicotinoid pesticides with sulfate radicals.”
M.L. Dell'Arciprete, C. Cobos, D.O. Mártire, J.P. Furlong y M.C. Gonzalez
New Journal of Chemistry35 (3), 672-680 (2011).

* “Erratum: Reactivity of neonicotinoid pesticides with singlet oxygen (Catalysis Today (2010) 151 (137-142)).”
M.L. Dell'Arciprete, L. Santos-Juanes, A. Arques, R.F. Vercher, A.M. Amat, J.P. Furlong, D.O. Mártire y M.C. Gonzalez
Catalysis Today160 (1), 253 (2011).

* “Electrostatic control of spin exchange between mobile spin-correlated radical pairs created in micellar solutions.”
P. Caregnato, L.E. Jarocha, H.S. Esinhart, N.V. Lebedeva, V.F. Tarasov y M.D.E. Forbes
Langmuir27 (9), 5304-5309 (2011).

* “Safranine-T triplet-state quenching by modified silica nanoparticles.”
V.B. Arce, S.G. Bertolotti, F.J.V.E. Oliveira, C. Airoldi, M.C. Gonzalez, P.E. Allegretti y D.O. Mártire
Journal of Physical Chemistry C115 (37), 18122-18130 (2011).

* “On the mechanism of Re(I)-carboxylate bond cleavage by perchloric acid: A kinetic and spectroscopic study.”
U.N. Fagioli, F.S. García Einschlag, C.J. Cobos, G.T. Ruiz, M.R. Féliz y E. Wolcan
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 115 (40), 10979-10987 (2011).

* “On the mechanism of formation and spectral properties of radical anions generated by the reduction of -[ReI(CO)3(5-nitro-1,10- phenanthroline)]+ and -[ReI(CO)3(3,4,7,8- tetramethyl-1,10-phenanthroline)]+ pendants in poly-4-vinylpyridine polymers.”
L.L.B. Bracco, R.O. Lezna, J. Muñoz-Zuñiga, G.T. Ruiz, M.R. Féliz, G.J. Ferraudi, F.S. García Einschlag y E. Wolcan
Inorganica Chimica Acta370 (1), 482-491 (2011).

* “Electrostatic Control of the Spin Exchange Interaction in Mobile Spin-Correlated Radical Pairs.”
P. Caregnato, L.E. Jarocha, H.S. Esinhart, N.V. Lebedeva, V.F. Tarasov y M.D.E. Forbes
Langmuir27 (9), 5304-5309 (2011).

* “Degradation of the herbicides clomazone, paraquat and glyphosate by thermally activated peroxydisulfate.”
E. Diaz Kirmser, D.O. Mártire, M.C. González y J.A. Rosso
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry58, 12858-12862 (2010).

* “Generation of Chemisorbed Benzyl Radicals on Silica Nanoparticles.”
V.B. Arce, J.A. Rosso, F.J.V.E. Oliveira, C. Airoldi, D.B. Soria, M.C. González, P.E. Allegretti y D.O. Mártire
Photochem. Photobiol 86, 1208-1214 (2010).

* “Eriochrome Blue Black R and Fluorescein degradation by hydrogen peroxide oxidation with horseradish peroxidase and hematin as biocatalysts.”
S. Pirillo, F.S. García Einschlag, M.L. Ferreira y E.H. Rueda
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 66 (1-2), 63-71 (2010).

* “One-component pressure-temperature phase diagrams in the presence of air.”
J. Andrade-Gamboa, D.O. Mártire y E.R. Donati
Journal of Chemical Education 87 (9), 932-936 (2010).

* “Horseradish peroxidase and hematin as biocatalysts for alizarin degradation using hydrogen peroxide.”
S. Pirillo, F.S. García Einschlag, E.H. Rueda y M.L. Ferreira
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 49 (15), 6745-6752 (2010).

* “Degradation kinetics of hydroxy and hydroxynitro derivatives of benzoic acid by fenton-like and photo-fenton techniques: A comparative study.”
D. Nichela, M. Haddou, F. Benoit-Marquié, M-T. Maurette, E. Oliveros y F.S. García Einschlag
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental98 (3-4), 171-179 (2010).

* “Silicon nanoparticle photophysics and singlet oxygen generation.”
M.J. Llansola Portolés, P.M. David Gara, M.L. Kotler, S. Bertolotti, E. San Román, H.B. Rodríguez y M.C. González
Langmuir26 (13), 10953-10960 (2010).

* “A kinetic study of the reactions of sulfate and dihydrogen phosphate radicals with epicatechin, epicatechingallate, and epigalocatechingallate.”
L.S. Villata, M.C. González y D.O. Mártire
International Journal of Chemical Kinetics42 (7), 391-396 (2010).

* “Nitration of nitrobenzene in Fenton's processes .”
L. Carlos, D. Nichela, J.M. Triszcz, J.L. Felice y F.S. García Einschlag
Chemosphere80 (3), 340-345 (2010).

* “Reactivity of neonicotinoid pesticides with singlet oxygen.”
M.L. Dell'Arciprete, L. Santos-Juanes, A. Arques, R.F. Vercher, A.M. Amat, J.P. Furlong, D.O. Mártire y M.C. González
Catalysis Today151 (1-2), 137-142 (2010).

* “Chemisorbed thiols on silica particles: Characterization of reactive sulfur species.”
P. Caregnato, M.D.E. Forbes, D.B. Soria, D.O. Mártire y M.C. González
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (11), 5080-5087 (2010).

* “Reduction of mercury(II) by the carbon dioxide radical anion: A theoretical and experimental investigation.”
A.M. Berkovic, M.C. González, N. Russo, M. Del Carmen Michelini, R.P. Diez y D.O. Mártire
Journal of Physical Chemistry A114 (49), 12845-12850 (2010).

* “On the mechanism of the photoinduced reduction of an adduct of ferricytochrome C with a poly(4-vinylpyridine) polymer containing -ReI (CO)3(3,4,7,8-tetramethyl-1,10-phenanthroline) pendants.”
L.L.B. Bracco, F.S.G. Einschlag, E. Wolcan y G.J. Ferraudi
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry208 (1), 50-58 (2010).

* “Effect of solar-like radiation on the autocatalytic degradation of nitrobenzene using Fe+3 and hydrogen peroxide.”
L. Carlos, D. Fabbri, A.L. Capparelli, A. Bianco Prevot, E. Pramauro y F.S. García Einschlag
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A201, 32-38 (2009).

* “Photophysical properties of blue-emitting silicon nanoparticles.”
M.J. Llansola Portolés, F. Rodriguez Nieto, D.B. Soria, J.I. Amalvy, P.J. Peruzzo, D.O. Mártire, M. Kotler, O. Holub y M.C. González
Journal of Physical Chemistry C113, 13694-13702 (2009).

* “Reactivity of hydroxyl radicals with neonicotinoid insecticides: mechanism and changes in toxicity.”
M.L. Dell'Arciprete, L. Santos-Juanes, A. Arques Sanz, R. Vicente, A.M. Amat, J.P. Furlong, D.O. Mártire y M.C. González
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences8, 1016-1023 (2009).

* “A combined theoretical and experimental study on the oxidation of fulvic acid by the sulfate radical anion.”
P.M. David Gara, G.N. Bosio, M.C. González, N. Russo, M.C. Michelini, R. Pis Diez y D.O. Mártire
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences8, 992-997 (2009).

* “Thermally activated peroxydisulfate in the presence of additives: a clean method for the degradation of pollutants.”
V.C. Mora, J.A. Rosso, G. Carrillo Le Roux, D.O. Mártire y M.C. González
Chemosphere75, 1405-1409 (2009).

* “The use of molecular probes for the characterization of dispersions of functionalized silica nanoparticles.”
V.B. Arce, S.G. Bertolotti, F.J.V.E. Oliveira, C. Airoldi, M.C. González, P.E. Allegretti y D.O. Mártire
Spectrochimica Acta A73, 54-60 (2009).

* “Alloxan-dialuric acid cycling: a complex redox mechanism.”
J.A. Rosso, M.A. Astorga, D.O. Mártire y M.C. González
Free Radical Research43, 93-99 (2009).

* “Photoinduced degradation of the herbicide clomazone. model reactions for natural and technical systems.”
P.M. David Gara, G.N. Bosio, V.B. Arce, L. Poulsen, P.R. Ogilby, R. Giudici, M.C. González y D.O. Mártire
Photochemistry and Photobiology85, 686-692 (2009).

* “Kinetics of the Sulfate radical- mediated photooxidation of humic substances.”
P.M. David Gara, G.N. Bosio, M.C. González y D.O. Mártire
International Journal of Chemical Kinetics40, 19-24 (2008).

* “Photodegradation of soil organic matter and its effect on gram (-) bacterial growth.”
G.N. Bosio, P. David Gara, F.S. García Einschlag, M.C. González, M.T. Del Panno y D.O. Mártire
Photochemistry & Photobiology84, 1126-1132 (2008).

* “Theoretical and experimental investigation on the oxidation of gallic acid by sulfate radical anions.”
P. Caregnato, P.M. David Gara, G.N. Bosio, M.C. González, N. Russo, M. Michelini y D.O. Mártire
Journal of the Physical Chemical A112, 1188-1194 (2008).

* “Mineralization of CCl4 by the UVC-photolysis of hydrogen peroxide in the presence of methanol.”
M.C. González, G. Carrillo Le Roux, J.A. Rosso y A.M. Braun
Chemosphere69, 1238-1244 (2007).

* “Synthesis and characterization of butoxylated silica nanoparticles. reaction with benzophenone triplet states.”
A.E. Ruiz, P. Caregnato, V.B. Arce, las M. Schiavoni,V.C. Mora, M.C. González, P.E. Allegretti y D.O. Mártire
Journal of Physical. Chemistry C111, 7623-7628 (2007).

* “Reactions of sulphate radicals with substituted pyridines: a structure-reactivity correlation analysis.”
M.L. Dell' Arciprete, C.J. Cobos, J.P. Furlong, D.O. Mártire y M.C. González
ChemPhysChem8, 2498 - 2505 (2007).

* “Reactions of (Cl· / Cl2·) Radicals with the Nanoparticle Silica Surface and with Humic Acids: Model Reactions for the Aqueous Phase Chemistry of the Atmosphere.”
P. Caregnato, P. D. Gara, G.N. Bosio, D.O. Mártire y M.C. González
Photochemistry and Photobiology83, 944-951 (2007).

* “Trichloroacetic acid dehalogenation by reductive radicals.”
P. David Gara, E. Bucharsky, M. Wörner, A.M. Braun, D.O. Mártire y M.C. González
Inorganica Chimica Acta360, 1209-1216 (2007).