Los temas de trabajo comprenden el estudio del comportamiento electroquímico de compuestos aditivos sobre diversos electrodos metálicos, de la cinética y mecanismo de reacciones de electrodeposición y electrodisolución metálica de interés tecnológico, de la formación y caracterización de aleaciones nanoestructuradas, del desarrollo de electrodos modificados para sensores y electrocatalizadores, de la caracterización de aceros inoxidables para implantes y de la caracterización de aleaciones de aluminio. Asimismo se llevan a cabo trabajos de asesoramiento relacionados con problemas de corrosión y protección metálica.
Integrantes del grupo
Ing. Liliana M. Gassa , Dr. Claudio A. Gervasi , y Dr. Agustín E. Bolzán .
María J. Rodríquez Presa, Dolores Pereda
Patricia Palacios
Principales publicaciones del grupo referidas al
(2007 - 2011)
* Dynamics and morphology characteristics of cell colonies with radially spreading growth fronts.
M.A.C. Huergo, M.A. Pasquale, P.H. González, A.E. Bolzán y A.J. Arvía
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 84 (2), art. no. 021917 (2011).
* Microelectrochemical corrosion study of super martensitic welds in chloride-containing media.
M.D. Pereda, C.A. Gervasi, C.L. Llorente y P.D. Bilmes
Corrosion Science, 53 (12), 3934-3941 (2011).
* Relationship between structure and properties of Al-Cu alloys.
A.E. Ares, L.M. Gassa, C.E. Schvezov y S.F. Gueijman
TMS Annual Meeting, 207-214 (2011).
* Ni-W coatings electrodeposited on carbon Steel: chemical composition, mechanicals properties and corrosion resitance.
M.P. Quiroga Argañaraz, S.B. Ribotta, M.E. Folquer, L.M. Gassa, G. Benitez, M.E. Vela y R.C. Salvarezza.
Electrochimica Acta, 56 , 5898-5903 (2011).
* Analysis of the impact of alloy microstructural properties on passive films formed on low-C 13CrNiMo martensitic stainless steels.
C.A. Gervasi, C.M. Méndez, P.D. Bilmes y C.L. Llorente
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 126 (1-2), 178-182 (2011).
* Evidences of the formation of a tin(IV) complex in citric-citrate buffer solution. a study based on voltammetric,
ftir and ab-initio calculations.
L. C. Bichara, M. V. Fiori Bimbi, C. A. Gervasi, P. E. Alvarez, S. A. Brandan.
J. Molecular Structure, , doi: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2011.11.032
* Characterization of Responsive Polymer Brushes at Solid/Liquid Interfaces by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy.
O. Azzaroni, C. A. Gervasi.
In Functional Polymer Films, Volumen 2 Characterization and Applications, First Edition,
Edited by Wolfgang Knoll and Rigoberto C. Advincula, 2011 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, pp. 809-830..
* Electrochemical studies on the anodic behavior of tin in citrate buffer solutions.
C.A. Gervasi, P.A. Palacios, M.V. Fiori Bimbi y P.E. Alvarez
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 639 (1-2), 141-146 (2010).
* Estimating Diffusion Coefficients of Probe Molecules into Polyeletrolyte Brushes by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy.
M.J. Rodríguez-Presa, L.M. Gassa, O. Azzaroni y C.A. Gervasi.
Analytical Chemistry, 81 , 7936-7943 (2009)).
* Microstructure, heat treatment and pitting corrosion of 13CrNiMo plate and weld metals.
P.D. Bilmes, C.L. Llorente, C. M. Méndez, C.A. Gervasi.
Corrosion Science, 51 , 876-881 (2009).
* Characterization of anodic tin passive films formed in citrate buffer solutions.
C.A. Gervasi, M.V. Fiori Bimbi, P.E. Alvarez.
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 625 , 60-68 (2009).
* Impedance analysis of ion transport through supported lipid membranes doped with ionophores: A new kinetic approach.
P.E. Alvarez, C.A. Gervasi, A.E. Vallejo
Journal of Biological Physics, 33 (5-6), 421-431 (2008).
* Correlation between Thermal Parameters, Structures, Dendritic Spacing and Corrosion Behavior of Zn-Al Alloys with Columnar to Equiaxed Transition.
E. Ares, L.M. Gassa, S.F. Gueijman y C.E. Schvezov
Journal of Crystal Growth, 310 , 1355-1361 (2008).
* Characterization of anodic films formed on copper in 0.1 m borax solution.
S.B. Ribotta, L.F. La Morgia, L.M. Gassa y M.E. Folquer
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 624 , 262-268 (2008).
* Copper electrodeposition from an acidic plating bath containing accelerating and inhibiting organic additives.
M.A. Pasquale, L.M. Gassa y A.J. Arvia
Electrochimica Acta, 53 , 5891-5904 (2008).
* Adsorption and electro-oxidation of N-alkyl and N,N'-dialkyl thioureas on gold electrodes in acid solutions. A combined FTIRRAS and voltammetry study.
A.E. Bolzán y A.J. Arvia
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 12 , 529-543 (2008).
* Metallurgical factors affecting localized corrosion of low-C 13CrNiMo martensitic stainless steels.
C.A. Gervasi, P.D. Bilmes, C.L. Llorente
Corrosion Research Trends, (1), 1-34 (2007).
* Synthesis and characterization of Fe-and Cu doped molybdovanadophosphoric acids and their application in catalytic oxidation.
P. Villabrille, G. Romanelli, L.M. Gassa, P. Vázquez y C. Cáceres
Applied Catálisis A: General, 324 , 69-76 (2007).
* Magnesium and its alloys as degradable biomaterials. Corrosion studies using potentiodynamic and eis electrochemical techniques.
W-D. Mueller, M.L. Nascimento, M. Zeddies, M. Córsico, L. Gassa y M. Fernández Lorenzo de Mele
Materials Research , 10 (1), 5-10 (2007).
* A New Polymeric [Cu(SO3(CH2)3S-S(CH2)3SO3)(H2O)4]n Complex Molecule Produced from Constituents of a Superconformational Copper Plating Bath: Crystal Structure, Infrared and Raman Spectra and Thermal Behaviour.
M. Pasquale, A.E. Bolzán, J. Güida, R.C.V. Piatti, O.E. Piro, E.E. Castellano y A.J. Arvia
Solid State Sciences, 9 , 862-868 (2007).
* The Formation of N,N,N',N',Tetramethylformamidinium Disulphide from the Chemical and Electrochemical Oxidation of Tetramethylthiourea. The Vibrational Spectra and Crystal Structure of the Chloride Dihydrate Salt.
A.E. Bolzán, J.A. Güida, R.C.V. Piatti, A.J. Arvia, O.E. Piro, J.R. Sabino y E.E. Castellano
Journal of Molecular Structure, 871 , 131-139 (2007).
* EIS studies of valinomycin-mediated K+ transport through supported lipid bilayers.
A.E. Vallejo y C.A. Gervasi
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 603 , 51-58 (2007).
* Comparative cyclic voltammetry and SEM analysis of tin electrodes in citrate buffer solutions.
C.A. Gervasi, P.E. Alvarez, M.V. Fiori Bimbi y M.E. Folquer
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 601 , 194-204 (2007).