Tuesday May 17 |
14.00-17.00 |
Registration |
17.15-17.30 |
Welcome |
Chairperson: Ana Moore |
17.30-18.10 |
L 1 Tito Scaiano (Canada) Tuning plasmon transitions and their applications in organic photochemistry |
18.10-18.50 |
L 2 Fernando Sigoli (Brazil) Rare earth doped luminescent materials: oxides, complexes and hybrid matrices |
18.50-19.30 |
L 3 Alexandre Brolo (Canada) Plasmonic Materials for Biosensing and Enhanced Spectroscopy |
20.00-22.00 |
Conference Reception |
Wednesday May 18 |
Chairperson: Jean Cadet |
8.30-9.10 |
L 4 Luisa De Cola (Germany) Luminescent soft and hard assemblies |
9.10-9.50 |
L 5 Guillermo Bazán (USA) Design, synthesis and processing of narrow band gap organic semiconductors for solar cell fabrication |
9.50-10.30 |
L 6 Alan Aspuru (USA) Finding renewable energy materials using one screensaver at a time: Combinatorial quantum chemistry for organic photovoltaics. |
10.30-10.50 |
Coffee Break |
Chairperson: Andrés Thomas |
10.50-11.30 |
L 7 Claudio Borsarelli (Argentina) Photochemistry of sensitizers in macromolecular systems: from humic acids to proteins |
11.30-12.10 |
L 8 Richard Cogdell (UK) How purple photosynthetic bacteria harvest solar energy. |
12.10-12.50 |
L 9 Linda Johnston (Canada) Fluorescence imaging on the nanoscale |
13.00-15.30 |
Lunch |
Chairperson: Claudia Turro |
15.30-16.10 |
L 10 Cilento Prize Conference María Laura Dántola Production and quenching of reactive oxygen species by pterin derivatives. |
16.10-16.50 |
L 11 Bruno Robert (France) Molecular basis of photoprotection in photosynthetic organisms |
16.50-17.30 |
L 12 James Mc Cusker Identifying Reaction Coordinates for Ultrafast Excited-state Dynamics. |
17.30-18.00 |
Coffee Break |
18.00-21.00 |
Poster session 1 |
Thursday May 19 |
Chairperson: Bruce Armitage |
8.30-9.10 |
L 13 Closs Prize Conference Kevin Stamplekoskie Using the Surface Plasmon Absorption of Silver Nanoparticles to a Maximum. |
9.10-9.50 |
L 14 Michael Hoffmann (USA) Artificial photosynthesis via the photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic reduction of CO2 with the simultaneous production of H2 |
9.50-10.30 |
L 15 Gustavo Argüello (Argentina) Gas-phase photochemistry. Laboratory studies of peroxynitrates |
10.30-10.50 |
Coffee Break |
Chairperson: Enrique San Román |
10.50-11.30 |
L 16 Daniel Mártire (Argentina) The employment of humic substances in photochemical experiments. micro- and nano-heterogeneous systems |
11.30-12.10 |
L 17 Chad Jafvert (USA) Sunlight-mediated reactions involving C60 and functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes in the aquatic environment. |
12.10-12.50 |
L 18 Marcelo Gehlen (Brazil) Photoinduced intramolecular charge-transfer in dyes and in conjugated polymer end-capped with electron acceptor. |
13.00-15.30 |
Lunch |
Chairperson: Elsa Abuin |
15.30-16.10 |
L 19 Josef Michl (USA) Designed Singlet Fission as a Possible Tool in Photovoltaics. |
16.10-16.50 |
L 20 Richard Weiss (USA) What controls the fates of pyrenyl singlet states and benzylic triplet radical pairs in the melted and glassy states of poly(alkyl methacrylate)s? |
16.50-17.30 |
L 21 Alexis Aspee (Chile) Photo-induced free radicals for the study of antioxidants behavior in complex biological systems. |
17.30-18.10 |
L 22 Sergio Bonesi (Argentina) Application of Photochemical Reactions in Organic Syntheses. Photo-Fries rearrangement, photoreduction and photooxidation reactions. |
18.10-18.40 |
Coffee Break |
18.40-21.30 |
Poster session 2 |
Friday May 20 |
Chairperson: Mauricio Baptista |
8.30-9.10 |
L 23 Alicia Peñéñory (Argentina) Photoinduced electron transfer chemistry: mechanism and applications in organochalcogenide synthesis. |
9.10-9.50 |
L 24 Carlos Silva (Canada) The mechanism of efficient charge photogeneration in semicrystalline polymeric semiconductors |
9.50-10.30 |
L 25 Dwayner Miller (Canada) Making the molecular movie: first frames...coming features. |
10.30-10.50 |
Coffee Break |
Chairperson: Carolina Lorente |
10.50-11.30 |
L 26 Teresa Atvars (Brazil) Morphology of Polymer Blends in Electroluminescent Devices. |
11.30-12.10 |
L 27 Ksenija Glusak (USA) Photochemical and electrochemical behavior of flavin derivatives. |
12.10-12.50 |
L 28 Víctor Batista (USA) Studies of oxomanganese complexes for natural and artificial photosynthesis. |
12.50-15.30 |
Lunch |
Chairperson: Silvia Braslavsky |
15.00-15.40 |
L 29 Germán Günther (Chile) Sucrose Monoesters and microheterogeneous systems. |
15.40-16.20 |
L 30 Luis Otero (Argentina) Development of Supramolecular Dyes with Application in Optoelectronics. |
16.20-17.00 |
L 31 Gerald Meyer (USA) Solar Energy Conversion with Molecules |
17.00-17.30 |
Coffee Break |
17.30-20.30 |
Poster session 3 |
21.30- |
Conference Dinner and party |
Revised May 3, 2011