Dra. M. Susana Cortizo
The overall goal of our research is the study of structural, physicochemical properties and
applications of synthetic and natural macromolecules and composite which including a macromolecular
Lines of research
1. Polymerization reaction under microwave energy
Kinetics studies of radical polymerization of fumaric and metha/acrylic esters, effect of experimental
variables, structural characteristics, polymer properties using macromolecular analytic techniques and
potential applications.
2. Properties and applications of natural polymers obtained from local commercially important sources.
In particular, study of chitin and chitosan from Illex argentinus squid pen: structural
characterization, physicochemical, rheological properties and their biomedical applications.
3. Morphological, physicochemical and rheological properties of synthetic polymer-modified asphalt uses in road engineering.
This line of research is developed jointly with the Engineer Diego Larsen from Laboratorio de
Pavimentos e Ingeniería Vial (LAPIV) of Facultad de Ingeniería (UNLP).
4. Development of biomaterials for biomedical applications.
It focuses on natural and synthetic polymers, the preparation of porous films, compatibility analysis,
biodegradation and cell proliferation. This research is developed in collaboration with the GIOMM group
(Dpto. Cs. Biológicas, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, UNLP) and correspond to project "Biomaterials
for development of bone tissue" (PAV2004, 22395. Responsable: Dra. Ana M. Cortizo).
Adolfo Pesce, Roberto Aldasoro
Fernando E. Amarilla, Carla F. Berghoff
Tamara Oberti, Juan M. Fernandez
Juan Martín Giussi, Marcos Coustet
publications in the frame of this project (2007 - 2009) |
* “Polymerization of diisopropyl fumarate under microwave irradiation”.
M.S. Cortizo.
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 103(6), 3785 - 3791 (2007).
* “Microwave-assisted radical polymerization of dialkyl fumarates”.
M.S. Cortizo, S. Laurella, J.L. Alessandrini.
Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 76, 1140-1146 (2007).
* “Structure and properties of poly(benzyl acrylate) synthezised under
microwave energy”.
T.G. Oberti, M.M. Schiavoni, M.S. Cortizo.
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 77(5), 597-604 (2008).
* “Biocompatibility and biodegradation of polyesters and polyfumarates
based-scaffold for bone tissue engineering”.
M. Susana Cortizo, M. Silvina Molinuevo, Ana M. Cortizo.
J Tissue Eng Regen Med 2, 33-42 (2008).
* “Characterization of chitin from Illex argentinus squid pen”.
M. Susana Cortizo, Carla F. Berghoff and José Luis Alessandrini.
Carbohydrate Polymers, 74(1), 10-15 (2008).
* “Micro-structural and rheological characteristic of SBS-asphalt
blends during their manufacturing”.
Diego O. Larsen, José Luis Alessandrini, Alejandra Bosch, M. Susana
Construction and Building Materials 23(8), 2769-2774 (2009).
* “Characterization of poly-ε-caprolactone/polyfumarate blends as
scaffolds for bone tissue engineering”.
Juan Manuel Fernandez , M. Silvina Molinuevo, Ana M. Cortizo, Antonio
D. McCarthy, M. Susana Cortizo.
J. Biomater. Sci. Polym. Ed. En prensa.