
Dr. Ezequiel V. Albano
aim of the project is to develope and study models in order to contribute
to the understanding of processes and phenomena in the fields of
condensed matter, surface physical-chemistry and statistical mechanics,
including: Adsorption-desorption, corrosion, heterogeneously catalized
reactions, nucleation and growth of materials such as crystals,
polycrystals and desordered structures (fractals), diffusion, phase
transitions and critical phenomena, properties of magnetic materials,
far from equilibrium processes, properties of glass and disordered materials, self-organized
criticality, biologically motivated models, models of complex social processes, etc.
Staff |
Gabriel Fabricius, Tomás S. Grigera
María L. Rubio Puzzo, Gustavo Saracco
Andrés de Virgiliis, Ernesto S. Loscar
Marisa A. Bab, Rodolfo Borzi
Cláudio Horowitz, Julian Candia
Sonia M. Cotes, Alicia Zubiaga
Gabriel Baglietto. Diego Rodríguez
Nara C. Guisoni, Marcos Mazzini
publications in the frame of this project (2007 - 2008) |
* “Damage spreading at the corner filling transition in the two-dimensional ising model”.
M.L. Rubio Puzzo y E.V. Albano
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19, 026201-17 (2007).
* “Modeling the decay of nanopatterns: a comparative study between a continuum description and a discrete monte carlo.approach”.
M.F. Castez y E.V. Albano
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 (12), 4606-4613 ( 2007).
* “Formation of a nematic fluid at high fields in Sr3Ru2O7”.
R.A. Borzi, S.A. Grigera, J. Farrell, R.S. Perry, S.J.S. Lister, S.L. Lee, D.A. Tennant, Y. Maeno y A.P. Mackenzie
Science 315, 214 (2007).
* “Mosaic multistate scenario versus one-state description of supercooled.liquids”.
A. Cavagna, T.S. Grigera y P. Verrocchio
Physical Revew Letter 98, 187801 (2007).
* “Kinetics of self-induced aggregation in brownian particles”.
F. Cecconi, G. Gonnella y G.P. Saracco
Physical Review E 75, 031111 (2007).
* “Properties of the interface in the confined ising magnet with competing surface fields”.
E.V. Albano, A. de Virgiliis, M. Muller y K. Binder
Physica B - Condensed Matter 389, 202-205 (2007).
* “Colloid-polymer mixtures between asymmetric walls: evidence for an interface localization transition”.
A. de Virgiliis, R.L.C. Vink, J. Horbach y K. Binder
Eeurophysical Letter 77, 60002 (2007).
* “Dynamical behavior of three-dimensional confined ising systems with short- and long-range competing surface fields”.
M. Manias, A. de Virgiliis, E.V. Albano, M. Muller y K. Binder
Physical Review E 75, 051603 (2007) .
* “Dynamic response of silver monolayers adsorbed on gold(100) upon an oscillatory variation of the chemical potential: a monte carlo simulation study ”.
M.C. Giménez y E.V.Albano
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111, 1809-1815 (2007).
* “Statistical methods applied to the study of opinion formation models: a brief overview and results of a numerical study of a model based on the social impact theory”.
C.M. Bordogna y E.V. Albano
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 19, 065144-60 ( 2007).
* “Monte Carlo simulations of a model for opinion formation”.
C.M. Bordogna y E.V. Albano
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 143, 237-41 (2007).
* “Critical dynamic approach to stationary states in complex systems”.
A. Rozenfeld, K. Laneri y E.V. Albano
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 143, 3-8 (2007).
* “Properties of the ising magnet confined in a corner geometry”.
E.V. Albano, A. de Virgiliis, M. Müller y K. Binder
Applied Surface Science 254, 387-91 (2007).
* “Dynamic behavior of a social model for opinion formation”.
C.M. Bordogna y E.V. Albano
Physical Review E 76, 061125 (2007).
* “On the occurrence of oscillatory modulations to the power-law behavior of dynamic and kinetic processes in fractal media”.
M.A Bab, G. Fabricius y E. Albano
Europhysics Letters 81, 10003 (2008).
* “Revisiting random walks fractal media: on the occurrence of time discrete scale invariance”.
M.A Bab, G. Fabricius y E. Albano
Journal of Chemical Physics 128, 454911 (2008).
* “On the oscillatory dynamical behavior of epidemic spreading in fractal media”.
M.A. Bab y E. Albano
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical Theory 41, 450011 (2008).
* “Dynamic Behavoiur of the Voter Model on Fractals: Log-periodic Oscillations as a Signature of Time Discrete Scale Invariance”.
M.A Bab y E. Albano
European Physical Journal B 63, 521(2008).
* “Random Walk in Fractal media: a theoretical evaluation of the periodicity of the oscillations in dynamic observables”.
A. Maltz, G. Fabricius, M.A. Bab y E. V. Albano
Journal of the Physics A: Mathematical Theory. 41, 49500 (2008).
* “From particles to spins: Eulerian formulation of supercooled liquids and glasses”.
C. Chamon, L.F. Cugliandolo, G. Fabricius, J.L. Iguain y E.R. Weeks
Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences 105, 15263-15268 (2008).
* “de Haas-van Alphen oscillations in the charge density wave compound lanthanum tritelluride LaTe3”.
N. Ru, R.A. Borzi, A. Rost, A.P. Mackenzie, J. Laverock, S.B. Dugdale y I.R. Fisher
Physical Review B 78, 045123 (2008).
* “The Damage Spreading Method in Monte Carlo Simulations: A brief overview and applications to confined magnetic materials”.
M.L. Rubio Puzzo y E.V. Albano
Communications Computational Physics 4, 207-230 (2008).
* “Dynamic behavior of the interface of striplike structures in driven lattice gases”.
G.P. Saracco y E.V. Albano
Physical Review E 78, 031132 (2008).
* “Evolution under thermal annealing of Mn-doped iron disilicides obtained by ball milling Hyperfine Interactions”.
J. Martinez, J. Runco, S.M. Cotes, M.A. Taylor, J. Desimoni., S.M. Cotes, J. Martinez, J. Runco, M. A. Taylor y J. Desimoni
Hyperfine Interactions 178, 13-17 (2008).
* “Finite-Size Scaling Analysis and Dynamic Study of the Critical Behavior of a Model for the Collective Displacement of Self-Driven Individuals”.
G. Baglietto y E.V. Albano
Physical Review E 78, 021125 (2008).
* “Kinetic Monte Carlo study on the decay of two-dimensional nanostructures: Influence of the activation energy of diffusion on kinetic and morphological properties”.
M.F. Castez y E.V. Albano
Physical Review E 78, 031601 (2008).
* “Exact-Exchange Kohn-Sham Potential, Surface Energy, And Work Function Of Jellium Slabs”.
C.M. Horowitz, C.R. Proetto y J.M. Pitarke
Physical Review B 78, 085126-1 (2008) .
* “Ballistic Deposition On Deterministic Fractals: Observation Of Discrete Scale Invariance”.
C.M. Horowitz, F. Romá y E.V. Albano
Physical Review E 78, 061118, 1-10, (2008).
* “Uncovering ndividual And Collective Human Dynamics From Mobile Phone Records”.
J. Candia, M.C. González, P. Wang, T. Schoenharl, G. Madey y A.-L. Barabasi
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41, 224015 (2008).
* “Random Walk Access Times On Partially-Disordered Complex Networks: An Effective Medium Theory”.
P.E. Parris, J. Candia y V.M. Kenkre
Physical Review E 77, 061113 (2008).
* “The Magnetic Eden Model”.
J. Candia y E.V. Albano
International Journal of Modern Physics C 19, 1617 (2008).
* “Thermodynamic signature of growing amorphous order in glass-forming liquids”.
G. Biroli, J.-P. Bouchaud, A. Cavagna, T.S. Grigera y P. Verrocchio
Nature Physics 4, 771-775 (2008).
* “From capillary condensation to interface localization transitions in colloid-polymer mixtures confined in thin-film geometry ”.
A. de Virgiliis, R. Vink, J. Horbach y K. Binder
Physical Review E 78, 041604 (2008).
* “Confinement Effects on Phase Behavior of Soft Matter Systems”.
K. Binder, J. Horbach, R. Vink y A. de Virgiliis
Soft Matter 4, 1555 (2008).
* “The effect of NO/O2 ratio in NO-CO-O2 reaction on a catalytic surface: a computer simulation study”.
Ahmad y E.V. Albano
Applied Surface Science 254, 2436-2440 (2008).
